My name is Claudia Sung, and I am an undergraduate at Stanford University studying History and Asian-American Studies. This summer, I had the opportunity to intern with the East Asia Institute for nine weeks.


I was able to further develop my understanding of current events in East Asia through the various projects I worked on. During my time at EAI, I helped support the EAI staff with translation, copyediting, and formatting of publications, along with other logistical tasks for events. Additionally, I helped create social media content for the Global North Korea project.


Throughout my internship, I had the chance to sit in and hear firsthand from experts in East Asian foreign affairs. Assisting the EAI staff with various tasks allowed me to develop my academic and professional abilities and better understand the effort behind a think tank's publications and events.


I greatly appreciate the opportunity to join the East Asia Institute as an intern this summer. I will carry the skills, experience, and knowledge that I gained through this internship into my future academic and professional endeavors. As my internship ends, I would like to extend special thanks to the EAI staff who supported me along the way and the other interns with whom I worked closely this summer.


6대 프로젝트



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