
2010년 방문 Fellows 일정

  • 2010-12-20
2010년 동아시아연구원을 방문하여 전문가세미나와 글로벌 아카데미를 진행한 학자들은 다음과 같습니다.


강연자 (소속) 강연주제





Etel Liliana Solingen

(University of California Irvine)

Positive and Negative Inducements in Non-proliferation: Comparing Northeast Asian approaches vis-à-vis North Korea

2010. 06. 10

2010. 06. 11

Susan Hayes Whiting

(University of Washington, Seattle)

The Competition among Legal, Political and Social Norms in the Resolution of Rural Land Disputes in Chinese and Comparative Context

2010. 07. 20

2010. 07. 21

Barbara Booth Stallings

(Brown University)

Tale of Two Crises: The Political Economy of East Asian Finance in the 1990s and 2000s

2010. 10. 21

2010. 10. 22

Mary Alice Haddad

(Wesleyan University)

Teaching States to Listen: Environmental Politics in East Asia

2010. 11. 23

2010. 11. 24