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[Global NK 인터뷰] 개선되지 않는 북한 인권문제: 북한 정권과 한국 정부의 책임

  • 2023-04-20
  • 태영호


동아시아연구원(EAI)은 태영호 국민의힘 최고위원을 초청하여 북한 인권문제 개선과 남북 경제협력 전망에 대해 논의하였습니다. 태영호 의원은 2016년에 통과된 북한인권법 등 인권문제 해결을 위한 다양한 노력이 있었음에도 불구하고 변화가 생기지 못한 이유로 김정은 위원장의 공포통치와 한국의 정치적 양극화 문제를 꼽습니다. 아울러 북한 정권이 무기 역량 고도화에 매달리는 한, 개성공단을 통한 남북한 경제협력이 재개되기는 어렵다고 강조합니다.


I. Human rights violations under merciless Kim Jong Un


• In communist states, “as the living standards and income level of people improve, the level of human rights violations also generally decreases.” However, this has not been the case in North Korea.


• During the past ten years, the North Korean regime’s human rights violations have been committed “at a level unimaginable even to the elites.” In the course of the power struggle, Kim Jong Un went as far as killing his own family members, and shut down the entire borders during the COVID pandemic.


II. Polarization and inconsistency forestall progress in addressing DPRK human rights


• South Korea “cannot reach a single compromise on the issue of North Korean human rights” because “the whole country is so polarized.”


• On March 30, 2023, the South Korean government published its first human rights report on North Korea. South Korea is the “last country among free democracies to release such report at the government-level.”


• The policy inconsistency on North Korean human rights under different administrations also affect the inter-Korean relations. The North Korean regime assesses whether the South Korean government is willing to improve inter-Korean relations by watching whether the government brings up human rights issues.


• Rep. Tae “always strongly urge[s] the South Korean government, regardless of its political stance, to maintain consistency in dealing with the North Korean human rights issues.”


III. Grim future ahead for inter-Korean economic cooperation


• The two reasons why inter-Korean economic cooperation through the Kaesong Industrial Complex has been closed are as follows: (1) international pressure to stop South Korean government from delivering cash notes to pay the North Korean workers, and (2) the risk of letting North Korea justify its weapons development.


• If North Korea does not stop its weapons testing and development, there is no hope of resuming the Industrial Complex. ■


※ Please cite accordingly when referencing this source.




Tae Yong-ho_is the member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea for the Gangnam Gab district. He is the first Korean from North Korea to be elected by constituent as a member of the National Assembly, appointed as the ruling People Power Party’s International Relations Committee Chairman, selected as the Vice Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and unification of the National Assembly, and elected as the member of the Supreme Council of the ruling party.



담당 및 편집: 박지수, EAI 연구원
    문의: 02 2277 1683 (ext. 208) | jspark@eai.or.kr