[2020 KF Korea Workshop] Economic Development of Korea (Dean Jong-il You)
[2020 KF Korea Workshop] Architecture of Korea (Architect Doojin Hwang)
The 8th Korea-Japan Future Dialogue
[2020 KF Korea Workshop] EAI ACE CHALLENGE Orientation
Commentary·Issue Briefing
[Global NK Commentary] South Korea’s Strategy towards US-China Relations and North Korea amid Intensifying US-China Strategic Competition
[Democratic Cooperation] Interview III: South Korea Democracy from the Youth Perspective
[JEAS Editor’s Pick] September 2020
[EAI Online Seminar] Democratic Cooperation Series 4. 2020 Burmese General Election Prospects: A Journey to a "Full Democracy`
[EAI Online Seminar] COVID-19 and the New World Order Series 5. South Korea`s Strategy in Times of a Great Economic Decoupling (co-host: Stanford APARC)