아시아안보연구센터는 2월 25일(금) 오전 10시 일본 국제교류센터(Japan Center for International Exchange)의 선임연구원이자 전 외무부 차관인 다나카 히토시를 모시고 북한 핵 문제와 6자 회담, 복합적 조정 방안(Comprehensive Settlement) 등에 대한 Smart Q&A를 진행하였습니다.


Smart Q&A는 국내외 주요이슈들에 대하여 해외의 주요 석학들과 국내 전문가들이 서로의 입장과 견해를 교환하는 자리인 스마트 토크의 기회를 빌어 당 세미나의 연사를 대상으로 진행되는 인터뷰입니다. 동아시아연구원은 Smart Q&A를 통하여 구체적이고 정책적인 함의를 담은 질문을 연사에게 던짐으로써 다각적인 관점으로 이슈를 조망하여 현안에 대한 이해도를 높이고, 관련 정책에 대한 창의적이며 전략적인 아이디어를 창출 하고자 합니다.



다나카 히토시, 일본 국제교류센터(Japan Center for International Exchange)


질문 내용


1)  Firstly, we would like to ask how you would evaluate the current situation regarding the North Korean nuclear crisis and the Six-Party Talks.


a) Please give us a brief outline of your concept ‘comprehensive settlement.’


2)  You have commented that a two-step approach involving informal bilateral talks before the resumption of the Six-Party Talks is necessary. Yet, the stance of South Korea, the U.S., and Japan cannot be synchronized perfectly, and may cause confusion and even a conflict of interest. In the worst case scenario, these informal talks could jeopardize further negotiations with North Korea. What do you think is the solution for this problem?


a) When the credibility of North Korea has been totally lost, as you pointed out in your article, can we still sit with them at the negotiation table?


b) In conducting informal bilateral talks with North Korea, cooperation among South Korea, the U.S., and Japan is vital, particularly on the issue of denuclearization vs nonproliferation. Do you think it is possible to find a common ground among the three?


c) For North Korea, nuclear weapons are indispensable for its survival and are not a card for negotiation. Against this backdrop, how is a breakthrough regarding the four related key elements achieved through the informal bilateral talks?


3) There is no doubt that China’s role in comprehensive settlement is significant. But we also need incentives for China so it can engage more actively in the settlement with North Korea. What strategic measures would you suggest to reel in China?


4) The challenge North Korea poses to the international community is derived from its domestic regime. What are your thoughts on the international efforts to bring changes not just in North Korea’s nuclear strategy but also in its regime or political DNA?

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