The second workshop of the “Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar 2018-2019” Program was held in Yangon, Myanmar from the 11th to the 15th of February in 2019. This program began in 2015 to strengthen the institutional and research capacities of nascent think tanks in Myanmar so that new and innovative policies and ideas can be developed to support the democratic transition of Myanmar.
The second workshop was led by Senior Executive Director of Hankook Research, Chun Seok Kim, and Professor Han Wool Jeong, who presented and lectured on the use of SPSS and research methods for studies on governance. Following the first workshop, lectures were held on sampling and procedures, and how to process and create questionnaires using SPSS, and how they can be applied to specific cases in Myanmar. The Executive Director of the East Asia Institute, Kyung Jun Choi, discussed theories of democracy, and Hyun Yoon Lee of the Korea Democracy Foundation spoke about Korea’s democratic transition during the past 30 years. In addition, Teresita Quintos Deles of INCITEGov (Philippines) and Dr. Nishan de Mel of Verité Research (Sri Lanka), both partner organizations of ADRN, participated in the “Asia’s Democracy” session. They shared thoughts and experiences on political and democratic issues of the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Korea.
Chun Seok Kim, Senior Executive Director, Hankook Research
Hanwool Jeong, Senior Research Fellow, Hankook Research
Heon- yoon Lee, Korea Democracy Foundation
Kyong Jun Choi, Executive Director, East Asia Institute
Nishan de Mel, Verite Research (Sri Lanka)
Teresita Quintos Deles, INCITEGov (Philippines)
Kyong Jun Choi, Executive Director, East Asia Institute
Younghyun Lee, Research Associate, East Asia Institute
Participated Organizations
Sandhi Governance Institute
Yangon School of Political Science
Open Myanmar Initiative
Another Development
Salween Institute for Public Policy
Yone Kyi Yar Knowledge Propagation Society
Naushawng Development Institute