
The Council of Councils Seventh Annual Conference

  • 2018-05-06

On May 6-8, 2018, the Council on Foreign Relations hosted the Council of Councils Seventh Annual Conference in New York. Prof. Young-Sun Ha (Chairman, East Asia Institute: EAI), Prof. Yul Sohn (Chair, EAI Japan Studies Center), Prof. Chaesung Chun (Chair, EAI Center for International Relations Studies), and Amb. In-Kook Park (President, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies) attended the annual conference as the EAI representatives. In this conference, participants discussed four major themes: Trade without Trump: The Way Forward, The Challenge from Iran, Geopolitical Implications of New Technology, and Strengthening Effective Climate Change Action. Prof. Yul Sohn served as a panelist in the trade session. 

Created in 2011 by the Council on Foreign Relations to help direct high-level international attention and effective policy responses to the threats and opportunities of the twenty-first century, Council of Councils is composed of twenty-nine major policy institutes. As the founding member from South Korea, EAI has been actively participating in this global effort to facilitate candid dialogue and consensus-building among influential opinion leaders. In October 2018, CoC Eleventh Regional Conference will be held in Seoul. 

Please see the link for more information on the CoC Seventh Annual Conference.

The Council of Councils Seventh Annual Conference