East Asia Institute (EAI) organized and hosted the Asia Democracy Research Network (ADRN) “Better Governance through Tackling Corruption and Improving Transparency” Forum in Seoul, South Korea on December 18, 2017. At the conference, Professor Adam Graycar from Australia presented his research on the special features of Asian corruption problems. Representatives from South Korean governments, civil society, and academia gathered to discuss how to better control the corruption issues by suggesting specific policy recommendations.
ADRN was launched in 2013 under the EAI’s leadership in order to analyze challenges against democracy in Asia and collaborate on pragmatic research projects that can contribute to democracy promotion and consolidation in the region. Democracy-related research think tanks from thirteen Asian countries, including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand are participating in this network. EAI is currently serving as a secretariat of the ADRN.
14:30 – 15:30 |
Session One: Corruption Control in Asia: Successes and Failures Moderator Sook Jong Lee, East Asia institute Presenter Adam Graycar, Flinders University
15:30 – 15:45 |
Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:30 |
Session Two: South Korea at a Crossroad: How to Better Counter Corruption Moderator Hyung Jun Park, Sungkyunkwan University Presenters Jin Wook Choi, Korea University Jaewoo Heo, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission Ji Moon Lee, Korea Integrity Campaign Center Discussants Sook Jong Lee, East Asia Institute Han-Beom You, Transparency International Korea Jaeil Yi, National Assembly Research Service Adam Graycar, Flinders University
17:30 – 17:40 |
Concluding Remarks Sook Jong Lee, East Asia Institute
Participant List
Jin Wook CHOI, Professor, Korea University
Adam GRAYCAR, Professor, Flinders University
Jaewoo HEO, Director-General for Report Inspection, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission
Ji Moon LEE, Chair, Korea Integrity Campaign Center
Sook Jong LEE, President, East Asia Institute
Hyung Jun PARK, Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
Jaeil YI, Legislative Researcher, National Assembly Research Service
Han-Beom YOU, Executive Director/Board Member, Transparency International-Korea