The East Asia Institute held the third workshop of its Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar program in Myanmar between January 9-17th. At the Yangon workshop, lectures were held emphasizing strategies for think tanks to effectively disseminate their research and ideas, and partner organizations participated in a mock conference to present on the progress of their research projects. At the Mandalay workshop, EAI hosted a seminar with local civil society members on the current state of democracy in the United States and South Korea as well as the future direction for Myanmar’s policies under a changing U.S.-China relationship. The Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar program is supporting the individual research efforts of our partner organizations into crucial and timely areas of public policy, which will be presented at an international conference to be held in Yangon, Myanmar on March 30, 2017. The Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar program is supported by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Open Society Foundation.
Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar: Third Workshop
Good Research, Good Governance: Dissemination Strategy and Preparing a Conference
Key Topics of the Third Workshop
• Effective Presentation and Public Speaking Skills_ Young Hwan Shin / EAI
• Communication Plan: Media Strategies for Traditional Media_ Young Hwan Shin / EAI
• Social Media and Marketing Strategies for CSOs: Making the Most of Online Media_ Natalie Grant / EAI
• Creating Effective Publications: Visualizing Data and Attractive Report_ Sooyee Choi / EAI
• How to Hold an Effective Conference and Seminar_ HyeeJung Suh / EAI
• Preparing for a Mock Conference_ HyeeJung Suh / EAI
• Mock Conference_ All Participating Institutions in Myanmar