EAI held an Expert Seminar as part of the EAI Fellows Program on November 21, 2016 with Doctor Jagannath Prasad Panda from Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. As indicated in the title, “From ‘Look East’ to ‘Act East’: India as a Possible Security Provider in East Asia?”, Dr. Panda presented on India’s foreign policy toward Asia, which has been transformed from “Look East” to “Act East.” India’s Act East policy will depend on how India can play a role of security provider in the region. Participants discussed on conditions for India’s role in East Asian region, especially in Northeast Asia, and how India can contribute to regional security in the issues such as North Korean nuclear problem and multilateral approaches for emerging issues.
“From ‘Look East’ to ‘Act East’: India as a Possible Security Provider in East Asia?”
Dr. Jagannath Prasad Panda, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India
ModeratorJiyong Lee, The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security
Young Joon Kim, Institute for National Security Strategy
Ho Ryoung Lee, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
“Fellows Program on Peace, Governance, and Development in East Asia” invites both established and next-generation East Asia specialists from all over the world, giving them the opportunity to conduct their research in East Asian countries and to promote scholarly exchanges among scholars and experts. The awardees give seminars and lectures based on their chosen research topic during their research travel to East Asian countries including South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and China.