The “Building Civil Society Capacity in Myanmar” program is jointly sponsored by EAI and the National Endowment of Democracy and is being conducted in partnership with the Sandhi Governance Institute, the Renaissance Institute, the Open Myanmar Initiative, and the Yangon School of Political Science. During this workshop, EAI and our various partners shared our experiences as private research organizations to mutually develop our individual institutions through an institutional capacity building session. Also sessions on statistical analysis methods and report writing which were focused on government budget monitoring were conducted in order to strengthen our partners’ research capacity.
A research team was formed with the four partner organizations in Myanmar that will carry out, based on the information and techniques taught during the second workshop, research on the system and management of government budgets in Myanmar. The final results of this research will be presented during an international conference in the first half of 2016.
This workshop was held from August 27, 2015 to August 31, 2015 in Yangon, Myanmar at the Sandhi Governance Institute.
Program |
Research Capacity Building: August 27-28, 2015
“Understanding the Structure of the SPSS Statistics Package and Methods of Analyzing Data”
Han-Wool Jeong (East Asia Institute Public Opinion Research Unit)
“An Introduction to Research Methodology and Report Writing”
Jae Hyeok Shin (Korea University); Benjamin Engel (East Asia Institute)
Institutional Capacity Building: August 31, 2015
“EAI’s Story: Network Based Think Tank”
Young Hwan Shin, Hye-Young Baek, HyeeJung Suh (East Asia Institute)
“Sandhi’s Story: Leadership Programs for Women and Youth”
Khine Win, Daw Nilar Myaing (Sandhi Governance Institute)
“Data, Database and Data-Driven Website: The OMI Story”
Htin Kyaw Aye (Open Myanmar Initiative)
Participating Organizations |
East Asia Institute
Sandhi Governance Institute
Renaissance Institute
Open Myanmar Institute
Yangon School of Political Science