On Thursday December 3, 2009, the East Asia Institute(EAI) held the “Evening Gala for Friends of EAI” to celebrate the 7th Anniversary of the EAI. This event was specially prepared to give thanks to those who have been kindly supporting the EAI with a warm heart.
ModeratorAnnouncer Hyun Kyung Jung
Reception Opening SpeechSook-Jong Lee, President, East Asia Institute
Welcoming Speech
Hong-Koo Lee, Chairman, East Asia Institute
Congratulatory remarks
Young-Sun Ha, Board Member, East Asia Institute; Professor, Seoul National University
Seung-Hoon Sun, Board Member, East Asia Institute; President, Sun Medical Group
Video Presentation
"Knowledge network for better world, EAI"
‘Special Thanks’ Remark
Byung-Kook, Kim, former President, East Asia Institute
Plaque Delivery Ceremony
Hong Koo Lee, Chairman, East Asia Institute
Formal Dinner
Celebratory performanceThe Solist
Hyo-bum Shin
Closing Address
Sook-Jong Lee, President, East Asia Institute