1. Advancing Economic Security Forum (AESF)
The AESF has been convened three times a year by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and major think tank partners since 2018. It serves as a neutral, confidential platform for discussion among the U.S. government and 10 allied countries. The forum addresses multilateral policy responses to common economic challenges related to the U.S.-China strategic competition. The AESF’s objective is to identify ways to reduce discrepancies in economic security policy among allied countries and to explore ways to manage different approaches. In the current cycle (2024-25), the AESF focuses on investment screening, export controls, and other policies designed to regulate the transfer of dual-use technologies. It also addresses policies to protect other critical national functions and proactive measures to support economic security.
2. AESF Seoul Round
On December 6, 2024, the East Asia Institute (EAI) co-hosted the AESF Seoul Round in collaboration with the CSIS. Representatives from 12 governments and six think tanks (EAI, CSIS, Clingendael Institute, Institute of Geoeconomics, Institut Montaigne, and Mercator Institute for China Studies) gathered to discuss critical economic security policies aimed at enhancing competitiveness, safeguarding technology, and fostering collaboration among like-minded countries.
Participants engaged in in-depth discussions on key topics, including:
● Impact of Export Controls: Managing dual-use technologies and mitigating risks posed by China and Russia.
● Economic Security Policies: Addressing economic coercion and vulnerabilities in critical resource supply chains.
● Resurgence of Industrial Policy: Navigating targeted interventions and challenges from supply chain dependencies.
● Technology Alliances: Exploring plurilateral initiatives to tackle emerging technologies and trade challenges.
The forum provided a platform to examine the balance between national security and economic cooperation and highlighted opportunities for further research and policy development in these areas.