
EAI Newsletter [May 2017]

  • 2017-05-29
[EAI Issue Briefing] South Korea’s ODA Policies at a Crossroads: A New Political Opportunity for Institutional Reforms
"Modernizing Korea Aid: Problems and Solutions"

Despite South Korea's great potential to contribute to the global development community, its 'Korea Aid' program is at risk. South Korea’s official development assistance (ODA) policies have come under attack and scrutiny because of the chronic misalignment of grants and concessional loans, as well as the ensuing decline in the accountability of ODA disbursements, which has resulted in public distrust in South Korea’s ODA policies. However, with the launch of the new government, South Korea faces a political opportunity to reform its ODA policies. While the author expects the ODA policies to be sidelined within the larger frame of inclusive economic growth, he argues that the new government should put in conscious efforts to modernize Korea Aid. In doing so, he suggests clearly outlining the philosophical principles that justify Korea Aid, reducing the dichotomic fragmentation of Korea's ODA policies, and strategizing Korea Aid so that it is more competitive in comparison with the aid programs of other commercially-oriented Asian donors. pc   mobile

Issue Briefing

The Path Forward for South Korea’s Diplomacy and Security: An Overview of Campaign Promises from Presidential Candidates

"South Korean Presidential Candidates’ Solution to the Korean Peninsula in Crisis"
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Issue Briefing

The Challenge of North Korea and Instability on the Korean Peninsula

"Playing a Game of Chicken with North Korea"
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Issue Briefing

Multilateral Foreign Policy of the New Korean Government

"Redefining South Korea’s Role in the Global Community through Multilateralism"
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China Briefing

Democracy and China

"Is Chinese-style democracy becoming a viable alternative to Western-style democracy?"
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How Should the World Respond When Countries Such as North Korea Develop Nuclear Weapons and Ballistic Missiles?

"Dealing with North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions"
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"Sharing Our Experiences for Better Governance"
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EAI Fellows Program

Expert Seminar with Dr. Enze Han

"Weaker States under the Shadow of Great Powers: Foreign Policy Choices of Southeast Asian States"
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