
[EAI Issue Briefing] Multilateral Foreign Policy of the New Korean Government

  • 2017-05-23
EAI Issue Briefing
Multilateral Foreign Policy of the New Korean Government
Joon Oh, Kyung Hee University (Former ROK Ambassador to the UN)
"Redefining South Korea’s Role in the Global Community through Multilateralism"
The world is becoming smaller and more interdependent. For South Korea, one of the greatest beneficiaries of globalization, multilateralism will continue to be a core pillar in the foreign policy of the new South Korean government. So far, South Korea’s track record in the multilateral sphere is impressive. Despite the fact that South Korea does have its own experiences of development, peace building, and democratization, which allows it to play a bridge role between developed and developing countries and that it has successfully placed its nationals in leadership positions in the multilateral setting, South Korea lacks a long-term multilateral strategy. According to Joon Oh, Former ROK Ambassador to the UN, the newly launched Moon Jae-in administration should build on the country’s national capabilities and international responsibilities to further boost South Korea’s global role. In order to do so, Oh suggests that the Moon government should utilize the achievements of previous administrations to the fullest, define its overarching foreign policy objectives and outcomes, and somehow contribute to the ongoing efforts to reform the UN and global governance system. pc   mobile
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