
[EAI Issue Briefing]The Path Forward for South Korea’s Diplomacy and Security: An overview of Campaign Promises from Presidential Candidates

  • 2017-05-02
EAI Issue Briefing
The Path Forward for South Korea’s Diplomacy and Security:
An overview of Campaign Promises from Presidential Candidates

Young Hwan Shin and HyeeJung Suh, East Asia Institute
"South Korean Presidential Candidates’ Solution to the Korean Peninsula in Crisis"
South Korea's presidential election is just around the corner. On May 9, 2017, the official election day, South Korean public will vote for their next president after having ousted the former President Park Geun-hye. Tensions surrounding the Korean Peninsula are rising: North Korea’s continued nuclear and missile programs, THAAD deployment and China's retaliation, icy relations with Japan that needs to be amended, and unpredictability of the U.S. administration, just to name a few. When the newly elected president steps into office on May 10, he or she will face unprecedented challenges without the usual transition period and security issues will be on the top priority. This paper aims to shed light on policy options the new government may take by looking at the presidential candidates' campaign promises in order to address the current insecurity surrounding the region and reassert South Korea’s position. pc   mobile
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