
EAI Newsletter [April 2017]

  • 2017-04-27
[EAI Event] International Conference on Good Research, Good Governance:
Policy Recommendations for a Better Myanmar

"Seeking citizen-oriented solutions to further democracy in Myanmar"

The East Asia Institute, in partnership with Sandhi Governance Institute, hosted an international conference featuring presentations by local Myanmar civil society organizations on current issues and offering evidence-based policy recommendations aimed at bettering governance practices in Myanmar. The conference, which was held at the Reno Hotel in Yangon, was the culmination of the program “Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar”, which aimed to build the research and institutional capacity of nascent think tanks in the country. Participating organizations conducted individual research projects on a diverse array of topics including urban planning policy, education for ethnic minorities, local government tendering processes, the federal government budget planning process, and others. Sandhi Governance Institute, the Yangon School of Political Science, the Open Myanmar Initiative, the Salween Institute for Public Policy, Yone Kyi Yar, Another Development, and Naushawng Development Institute presented the results of their research to the public at the conference.
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Issue Briefing

The Great Transformation of Korean Social Movements: Reclaiming a Peaceful Civil Revolution

"Choosing Peace over Violence: Opening a New Chapter for Korean Social Movements"
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Special Report

The new Korean government at a crossroads

"We must redesign the trade and commerce policy system"(in Korean)
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Working Paper

Chinese-US competition and North Korea

"North Korea's nuclear development is the result of changing dynamics in Northeast Asia" (in Korean)
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Working Paper

The US Defense Budget and Security Strategy

"Military spending will continue, promoting the 'Peace through Strength' approach"
(in Korean)
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Working Paper

Globalization of the RMB and Korea's Financial Diplomacy: The Impossibility of Strategic Choices

"Domestic controversy within China deepens over the RMB as globalization’s hold grows tighter"(in Korean)
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China Briefing

Democracy and China

"China must re-define freedom for itself"(in Korean)
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China Briefing

China's International Aspirations

"To Emerge by Building an Alternative World Order"(in Korean)
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Issue Briefing

Trump's North Korea Policy: Practice Pressure and Credible Intimidation of China

"Will North Korea be subject to 'Shock and Awe' from the Trump administration?"(in Korean)
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Issue Briefing

China-US talks: Negotiation and Cooperation based on 'Mutual Respect'

"With a long road ahead for China and the US, what's next for Korea?" (in Korean)
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