Term: October 1-31, 2014



Main Issues  


1. Asia-Pacific: U.S. Accused of Taking Sides in the South China Sea, Comes under Closer Scrutiny for Arms Sales to Vietnam and Support of Japan's New Military Posture; China Reasserts Its Sovereignty and Focuses on Events in Hong Kong

United States
October 2, Remarks at the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council 30th Anniversary Gala Reception
October 2, A Readout of Indian Prime Minister Modi's Recent Visit to the United States
October 2, Readout of National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice's Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh of Vietnam.
October 3, Daily Press Briefing
October 8, Daily Press Briefing
October 9, Daily Press Briefing
October 9, Daily Press Briefing
October 15, Readout of the President's Call with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
October 15, Daily Press Briefing
October 17, Daily Press Briefing
October 24, Daily Press Briefing

October 8, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 8, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 9, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 10, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 10, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 20, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference
October 21, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference
October 24, Wang Yi: China, a Staunch Defender and Builder of International Rule of Law
October 29, APEC Beijing: China is Ready
October 31, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference

2. Direction of U.S.-China Cooperation: U.S. Emphasizes Its Support for the Peaceful Rise of China, Affirms Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong; China Underscores Its Commitment to Developing Inclusive International Norms

United States
October 1, Daily Press Briefing
October 1, Readout of National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice's Meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi of China
October 1, Remarks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi before Their Meeting
October 3, Remarks by the Vice President at the John F. Kennedy Forum
October 10, Daily Press Briefing
October 14, Daily Press Briefing
October 29, Remarks by Secretary Hagel at The Atlantic's Washington Ideas Forum 2014

October 14, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 24, Wang Yi: China, a Staunch Defender and Builder of International Rule of Law

3. Economic Cooperation: U.S. Ramps up Promotion of the TPP, Continues to Push for Greater Trade Ties with China and Africa; China Promotes Its FTAs with Switzerland, Australia, Iceland and Korea, Reaffirms Its Commitment to Growing Free Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region

United States
October 3, Remarks by the Vice President at the John F. Kennedy Forum
October 10, Statement by Secretary Lew for the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC)
October 15, Readout of the President's Call with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
October 15, Treasury Department Releases Semi-Annual Report to Congress on International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies
October 25, Opening Remarks at the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Ministerial Meeting in Sydney
October 27, U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman to Convene the 25th Session of U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade
October 28, Remarks of Secretary Jacob J. Lew at Business Roundtable Hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Dar Es Salaam

October 10, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 16, Regular Press Conference of Ministry of Commerce

4. Cooperation on Military Security: U.S. Claims Its Presence has a Stabilizing Effect in Asia, Reiterates Its Commitment to Defending Peace; China Continues to Highlight Sovereignty as a Guiding Principle, Explains How it Plans to Deal with Terrorism

United States
October 2, A Readout of Indian Prime Minister Modi's Recent Visit to the United States
October 3, Remarks by the Vice President at the John F. Kennedy Forum
October 7, Remarks by the President at DSCC Event
October 10, Readout of the Vice President's Meeting with Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius
October 24, Daily Press Briefing
October 29, Remarks by the President on American Health Care Workers Fighting Ebola
October 31, Department of Defense Briefing by Admiral Kirby in the Pentagon Briefing Room

October 14, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 19, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on Yang Jiechi's Meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Kerry
October 30, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference

5. Human Rights: U.S. Claims Human Rights Part of the American DNA, Supports Peaceful Dialogue to Resolve Hong Kong Situation; China Stays Silent but Gives Assurances it Will Cooperate with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

United States
October 1, Remarks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi before Their Meeting
October 1, Readout of National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice's Meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi of China
October 2, Daily Press Briefing
October 3, Remarks by the Vice President at the John F. Kennedy Forum
October 10, Daily Press Briefing
October 16, Treasury Sanctions a Syrian Official Responsible for Human Rights Abuses in Syria and Syrian Regime Supporters and Officials
October 27, Daily Press Briefing

October 21, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference

6. Climate Change: U.S. Launches New Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap, Acknowledges the Need to Take Action

United States
October 3, Remarks by the Vice President at the John F. Kennedy Forum
October 8, U.S. Fuel Economy Reaches All-Time High/Fuel Economy Gains for New Vehicles Continue Under President Obama's Clean Car Program
October 13, Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas
October 29, Daily Press Briefing
October 31, EPA Releases Climate Plans on Fifth Anniversary of President Obama's Sustainability Initiative/Plan Builds Capacity to Protect Human Health and the Environment in a Changing Climate


7. Middle East and Africa: U.S. Focused on the Fight against ISIL and Ebola, Concerned with the Continuing Instability in Gaza, Keeps an Eye on Syria; China Re-opens Embassy in Somalia, Commits More Aid to Help Combat the Ebola Epidemic

United States
October 1, Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel before Bilateral Meeting
October 3, Readout of the President's Call with U.S. Africa Command Commander General David Rodriguez
October 7, Statement by the Press Secretary on the Canadian Decision to Authorize Military Force Against ISIL
October 7, Department of Defense Press Briefing by General Rodriguez in the Pentagon Briefing Room
October 8, Daily Press Briefing
October 8, Daily Briefing by the Press Secretary
October 8, Remarks by the President at the Pentagon
October 8, Readout of the President's Meeting with the National Security Council on ISIL
October 9, Daily Press Briefing
October 10, Readout of Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa O. Monaco's Meeting with Chief of Turkish National Intelligence Organization Dr. Hakan Fidan
October 14, Daily Press Briefing
October 14, Remarks by the President After Meeting with Chiefs of Defense
October 15, Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
October 15, Daily Press Briefing
October 15, Remarks to the Press on Countering ISIL
October 15, Remarks by the President After Meeting on the Government's Response to Ebola
October 15, Readout of the President's Video Conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
October 20, Daily Press Briefing
October 23, Daily Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest
October 23, Remarks of Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen at The Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, “Attacking ISIL's Financial Foundation”
October 28, Daily Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest
October 29, Daily Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

October 9, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 16, Regular Press Conference of Ministry of Commerce
October 17, Remarks by H.E. Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China at the First Plenary Session of the Tenth ASEM Summit
October 19, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on Yang Jiechi's Meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Kerry
October 28, Spokesman of Chinese Commerce Ministry on China's Assistance to Ebola-Stricken Countries
October 31, MOFCOM Spokesman Comments on China's Fourth-Round Aid to Ebola-Stricken African Countries
October 31, Let Us Join Hands to Promote Security and Prosperity of Afghanistan and the Region

8. Korean Peninsula: U.S. Scathing of North Korean Human Rights Violations, Secures the Release of Jeffrey Fowle, Urges the Closure of Prison Camps; China Expresses Shock at South Korean Coastguard Actions, U.S. and China United on Denuclearization

United States
October 8, Daily Press Briefing
October 12, National Security Advisor Susan N. Rice's Interview with Chuck Todd of NBC Meet the Press
October 15, Daily Press Briefing
October 21, Daily Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest
October 21, Daily Press Briefing
October 22, Daily Press Briefing
October 23, Press Briefing by Secretary Hagel and ROK Minister of National Defense Han Min Koo in the Pentagon Briefing Room
October 23, Daily Press Briefing
October 28, Daily Press Briefing
October 30, Daily Press Briefing

October 8, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 10, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 10, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 19, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on Yang Jiechi's Meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Kerry

9. Cybersecurity: U.S. Continues to Implicate China in Cyber Attacks, ISIS Becoming a Concern; China Denies Accusations, Claims It Too is a Victim and Engages in Cybersecurity Talks with Japan and the ROK

United States
October 16, Daily Press Briefing
October 24, Department of Defense Press Briefing by Rear Adm. John Kirby in the Pentagon Briefing Room

October 9, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference
October 20, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference
October 21, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference
October 21, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference

10. Taiwan: China Critical of Foreign Arms Sales to Taiwan, Asks for Adherence to the One China Principle


October 30, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference


