The KF Korea Workshop is hosted by the Korea Foundation(KF) and organized by the East Asia Institute(EAI) to promote and share understanding of Korean social, political and economic issues among international residents in Korea.

As the last event of the 2019 KF Korea Workshop 2, the Next Generation Conference was held at the KF Global Center on August 29. Ahead of the conference, participants from 20 different countries submitted their essay plans related to one of the six lectures provided under the KF Korea Workshop’s “Academicus” agenda. Prof. Semee Yoon of Yonsei University selected 7 essays from the submissions for the first round of the competition, and 4 were ultimately selected following the second round. The 4 selected students presented their research question and findings at the Next Generation Conference after receiving commentary and guidance from Prof. Yoon. The conference was comprised the following sessions: 1) “New Perspectives on Korean Culture,” and 2) “New Perspectives on Korean Society.” Following student presentations, discussions were led by undergraduate and graduate students from South Korean and other international university, as well as by individuals from the East Asia Institute(EAI)’s internship and “Sarangbang” program.

This year, Gül Beste Sabaz from Seoul National University won first prize for her essay, “Confucianism and its Influence on Korean Society,” and Ahmed Essam Nashaat Abdelalim from Korea University won second prize for his essay, “Did Korea Recognize Social-Ecological Transformation in Green Growth?: Assessment of Social Impacts and Recommendations.”






Opening Remarks

 Seayoun LEE (Acting Director of Global Center Business Dept., KF)


Welcoming Remarks

 Seunghee OH (Executive Director, EAI)

 SessionⅠ “New Perspectives on Korean Culture”                 *MC: JinKyung BAEK (Research Associate, EAI)

 Moderator: Semee YUN (Professor, Yonsei University)



 Confucianism and its Influence on the Korean Society(1st Prize)

 - Gül Beste SABAZ (Seoul National University)

 Why doesn’t Korea Have a Trevor Noah in its Comedy Scene When Comedy Shows, and  Satire are Much Appreciated in the Country?

 - Matilde Marchetti (Seoul National University)


Discussions and Q&A

 Minhye PARK (Yonsei University)
 Nikita Kumari (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
 Joel Petersson IVRE (Yonsei University)
 Geewon JUNG (Ewha Womans University)




SessionⅡ  “New Perspectives on Korean Society” Moderator: Semee YUN (Professor, Yonsei University)



 Did Korea Recognize Social-Ecological Transformation in Green Growth? - Assessment of Social Impacts and Recommendations(2nd Prize)

  - Ahmed Essam Nashaat Abdelalim (Korea University)

 Is it only a Dream for the Older Generation and the Younger Generation in Korea to Live in Harmony?

  - Amali Ranvi Thanthrige (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)


Discussions and Q&A

 Sue JEONG (Yonsei University)
 Joel Petersson IVRE (Yonsei University)
 Dokyung JANG (Yonsei University)
 Dohwan KIM (Korea University)


Award Ceremony 

 Semee YUN (Professor, Yonsei University)


Certificate Ceremony

 JinKyung BAEK (Research Associate, EAI)


Group Photo and Lunch




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Detailed Business


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