
[Invitation] EAI Online Seminar "The Voice of Solidarity for the Restoration of Democracy in Myanmar"

  • 2021-04-19


The East Asia Institute (President Yul Sohn), as a secretariat of the Asia Democracy Research Network (ADRN), invites you to the ninth online seminar of the [Democracy Cooperation] series, titled "The Voice of Solidarity for the Restoration of Democracy in Myanmar." Following the military coup staged on February 1 under the pretext that the 2020 general elections were fraudulent, Myanmar`s civil disobedience movement to restore democracy continues. But, the military junta is violently oppressing protesters, killing over 700 civilians as of mid-April. Now, the dangerous prospect of civil war is looming. It is urgent time for the international community to press the military to make peace with the people and bring back democracy. This seminar will examine how countries in Asia are responding to the Myanmar situation since the coup and seeking multilateral cooperation to support 
the democracy movement of Myanmar people.
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