
[Global NK Commentary] Changes in the US Grand Strategy and the Future of North Korean Nuclear Issue

  • 2020-02-27
[Commentary 28]

Changes in the US Grand Strategy and
the Future of North Korean Nuclear Issue

Chaesung Chun

Chair of the National Security Research Center at EAI
· Professor at Seoul National University


"How can South Korea shape North Korea policy amid strategic changes of the US?"

Future discussions on the North Korean nuclear issue, which is currently
at a stalemate, will be influenced by how the November presidential
election unfolds in the U.S. Professor Chaesung Chun of Seoul National
University (Chair of the National Security Research Center at EAI),
states that "the North Korean nuclear issue and the future of the Korean
Peninsula are closely linked to changes in the Grand Strategy of the U.S."
As a result, South Korea’s national interests are prone to being shaped
by respective fluctuations in U.S. foreign policy. However, if South Korea
wishes to gain an upper hand in shaping the North Korea policy, it
should gather the necessary policy tools and "carefully outline principles
inherent to the North Korean nuclear issue in the event that they are
redefined by other actors such as the U.S." These policy tools must be
identified in the process of maintaining close diplomatic relations with
neighboring countries. [Read Commentary]

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