
EAI Newsletter [January 2020]

  • 2020-01-31
Knowledge-Net for a Better World January 2020
[Global NK Commentary] 2020 North Korea: A Head-on Breakthrough of Two Major Challenges
"North Korea’s Head-on Breakthrough: Seeking New Directions"

In place of his annual New Year’s speech, Kim Jong Un presented thereport, "On Social Construction and the Internal and External Policies of the Government of the Republic at the Present Stage" at the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the Worker’s Party of Korea (WPK) in December 2019. The report specifically emphasizes North Korea’s internal and external difficulties, as well as its determination to overcome economic sanctions and evolve into a socialist powerhouse. As part of its head-on breakthrough strategy, North Korea has proclaimed that it will soon present a "new strategic weapon" and commit to developing its self-reliance in dealing with its domestic and international challenges. In this paper, Young-Sun Ha, chairman of EAI and professor emeritus of Seoul National University, argues that North Korea’s old ways of pursuing a head-on breakthrough are not enough for overcoming the country’s present challenges. For example, presenting security threats to the US through continued nuclear development will only tighten sanctions, thereby endangering the regime’s security rather than ensuring it. The author suggests that North Korea’s true head-on breakthrough will be to speed down the path of denuclearization and economic opening-up. Within this framework of a new head-on breakthrough strategy, South Korea’s role would be to cooperate with the international environment and help pave the way for the North Korean regime to develop domestic capabilities until it is stable enough to run on its own.   pc  mobile

  Issue Briefing

Chin-en Wu, Existential Threats and Democracy: 2020 Taiwan Presidential Election

"Taiwan’s Plans to Counter Existential Threats to Democracy"
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  New Year’s Special Commentary – EAI 2020 Strategy and Prospects

① Young-Sun Ha, 2020 North Korea: A Head-on Breakthrough of Two Major Challenges (in Korean)

"North Korea’s Decision to Pursue a Head-on Breakthrough: What Does It Entail for the Regime’s Future?" pc  mobile
  New Year’s Special Commentary – EAI 2020 Strategy and Prospects

② Chaesung Chun, South Korea’s Strategies toward US-China Relations and the US (in Korean)

"What is South Korea’s Strategy amid Uncertainties in US-China Relations?" pc  mobile
  New Year’s Special Commentary – EAI 2020 Strategy and Prospects

③ Dong Ryul Lee, South Korea’s Diplomatic Strategies towards China and Bilateral Relations (in Korean)

"South Korea Needs to Identify its Own Strategic Value within the US-China Competition Framework" pc  mobile
  New Year’s Special Commentary – EAI 2020 Strategy and Prospects

④ Yul Sohn, South Korea’s Japan Policy and Bilateral Relations in 2020: Conflict Resolutions that Emerge After Broadening Horizons (in Korean)

"South Korea and Japan Need to Broaden Horizons in Bilateral Relations" pc  mobile
  New Year’s Special Commentary – EAI 2020 Strategy and Prospects

⑤ Seungjoo Lee, US-China Trade War and South Korea’s Trade Policy: Middle Power Diplomacy for Restoring Multilateralism and Reshaping the Regional Economic Order (in Korean)

"South Korea Needs Strategies for Reshaping the Regional Economic Order amid the US-China Trade War" pc  mobile
  New Year’s Special Commentary – EAI 2020 Strategy and Prospects

⑥ Tae Wook Choi, 2019 Election System Reform and 2020 General Election: Prospects and Challenges (in Korean)

"Electoral System Reform based on Social Consensus through Citizens’ Assembly " pc  mobile

First Workshop of the "Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar" 2019-2020 Program

"What is the Role of Civil Society in Myanmar’s 2020 General Election?" pc  mobile

Global North Korea "2020 EAI North Korea Reunification Strategy Discussion"

"Expert Discussions: Promoting Systematic Research on the North Korean Issue"
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EAI Sarangbang 13th Class Field Trip to Japan (in Korean)

"Kyushu Field Trip for the 13th Class"
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