
EAI`s project planned the interview series "Revisiting Burma," that listen to the stories of civil society activists in South Korea who have supported Myanmar`s Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) for the past year. Euiseok Oh, an activist from the International Development Community Alliance, pointed out that the short-sighted practices of the international development cooperation field have started to change by seeking more fundamental and long-term solidarity since the outbreak of the military coup in Myanmar during last year. Explaining the upcoming new program agendas (e.g. the Metaverse CDM for Myanmar) for Myanmar, he argued that it is important to gain steady attention from the citizens by archiving relevant data and stories on the website “Myanmar, Spring” in order to support Myanmar’s democratization.


Euiseok Oh_A permanent activist of the Korean Solidarity for Overseas Community Organizations (KOCO) and a Korean coordinator at the Local Futures. He also serves the representative role of the International Development Cooperation Youth Organizations



Typeset by Juhyun JunHead of the Future, Innovation, and Governance TeamㆍResearch Associate
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Center for Democracy Cooperation

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Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar


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