The 5th ROK-U.S. Dialogue 21, organized by EAI, was held in Shilla Hotel on September 8 for discussions among Korean Assemblymen and the U.S. authorities stationed in Korea on leading questions pending between Korea and America. Starting with Prof. Stephan Haggard's topic presentation about "Hunger and Human Rights in North Korea," the discussion continued for 3 hours.


Presenter, Professor Stephan Haggard (UCSD)

Designated Discussant Joseph Yun (Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, U.S. Embassy)

Designated Discussant Professor, Ryu Ho-yeol

Boo-kyum Kim (National Assemblyman, Uri Party)

Sang-Jeong Shim (National Assemblyman, DLP)

Jung-sik Joh (National Assemblyman, Uri Party)

Kyung-won Na (National Assemblyman, GNP)

Discussions continued

Discussions in private