
The Park Chung Hee Era, the joint effort of EAI and Asia Center in Harvard University, is the first piece in a series of "Research on Korean Politics." The goal of research is to create an analytic framework for explaining Korean political economy in a logically consistent, historically informed and theoretically integrated way. Domestic and international scholars formed a panel at the annual meeting in order to share their research achievements.

The proposed panel includes a five-nation analysis (Dominguez compares Korea with four Latin American cases); two two-nation studies (Hutchcroft with Philippines and Noble with Taiwan). This opportunity for dialogue helps establish a network that connects domestic research on Korean political economy to international academic world and provides foundation of comparative studies.

The transcripts of all papers and discussions will be published.


Host: America Political Science Associate Annual Meeting 2002

Organizer: Byung-Kook Kim (EAI director, Korea University)

Location: Boston (Panel ID 250-B47)