In its second year of operation, the EAI Young Leaders Scholarship program selected 15 promising students for the purpose of nurturing and supporting the growth of the next generation of Korean leaders. Recipients were selected from a pool of undergraduate students who faced economic hardship yet, displayed outstanding potential in becoming future global leaders. The recipients will receive financial support from the program each year of study until their graduation, provided they comply with the regulations of their scholarship. These scholars will also be invited to participate in additional educational programs, including the EAI Young Leaders Scholarship Mentoring Camp, provided by the institute, which was held on February 27th. Recipients were also awarded their scholarships and certificates of participation at a ceremony held at the EAI on March 2nd.


The EAI Young Leaders Scholarship program is funded by the generous support of the W1°, a small group of female supporters of the EAI.


EAI Young Leaders Scholarship Recipients Class of 2015


GaHee Choi, Ewha Womans University
SuYeon Jin, Korea University
DongYun Kang, Pusan National University
HanGyeol Kim, Sogang University
YoHan Kim, Seoul National University
GyongJae Kim, Sogang University
Victoriano Kim, Dankook University
Yeokyung Kim, Yonsei University
HaRim Ko, Hoseo University
SoHyun Lee, Seoul National University
Soyoun Lee, Chung-Ang University
EunChong Noh, Seoul National University
SeongBo Sohn, Seoul National University
JongKun Won, Kyung Hee University
KyungMee Yu, Ewha Womans University