아시아안보연구센터는 4월 26일(목) 오후 4시 호주 Lowy 연구소(Lowy Institute)의 국제안보 전문가인 로리 메드카프(Rory Medcalf)를 초청하여 "Future of Extended Nuclear Deterrence in East Asia"를 주제로 제23회 Smart Talk 세미나를 진행하였습니다.



"Future of Extended Nuclear Deterrence in East Asia"



로리 메드카프(Rory Medcalf), 호주 Lowy 연구소(Lowy Institute) 연구위원 



전재성, 서울대학교 교수 



김영호, 국방대학교 교수 

신성호, 서울대학교 교수

이상현, 외교통상부 정책기획관

황지환, 서울시립대학교 교수



Rory Medcalf

Rory Medcalf is Director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute. His professional background spans intelligence analysis, journalism and diplomacy.

He has worked as a senior strategic analyst specialising in Asian great-power relations with the Office of National Assessments, Canberra's peak intelligence agency. His experience as an Australian diplomat included a posting to New Delhi, a secondment to Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and truce monitoring on the Pacific island of Bougainville. He has also contributed substantially to three landmark reports on nuclear arms control: the Canberra Commission, Tokyo Forum, and International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.