2021 Spring Semester
Seung Yeon Lee, Yonsei University


Hi! My name is Seung Yeon Lee, a recent graduate at Yonsei University with a BA in Political Science and International Studies and Russian Language and Literature. I first came across EAI during an internship at a think tank in Washington DC, which was also my first experience working in the research industry. Through the experience, I came to understand the inextricable links between the private, public, and the think tank industry and the presence of various stakeholders in the implementation of domestic and international policy.


Working as an intern at EAI further enhanced my understanding of the process of policy making and fueled my passion towards pursuing a career in this field. During my internship I was involved in various tasks, including, but not limited to, creating short summaries of our recent publications into card-news, creating transcripts for events and webinars, assisting in spot and background research largely pertaining to the Global NK project and the Asia Democracy Research Network, and supporting webinar and event preparation. Notably, I was directly involved with assisting in “The Military Coup and Future of Democracy in Myanmar” project on the Myanmar coup and its grave implications, both domestic and regional.


I’d like to thank all EAI staff for providing me with this invaluable opportunity. Not to mention, the working environment has been incredibly accommodating; the past two months seem to have flown by. Building on from this experience, I look forward to continue building a career towards bridging diverse, often conflicting, international interests.