2021 Winter Semester
Hansol Lee, Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies


Hello, my name is Hansol Lee. I am majoring in International Cooperation at Yonsei GSIS. After taking courses dealing with Korea and Japan’s political economy, I developed interest in civil society and democracy of East Asia, as well as Korea-Japan relations. Now that I learned some theoretical concepts in class, I wanted to experience how actual researches are done in the field. For such motivation, EAI was perfect place for me.


2021 EAI winter internship lasted 8 weeks. Thankfully, I was able to work on EAI’s various projects. Here are some of my main work experiences:


  • Proofreading and finding images for New Year’s special commentaries
  • Creating transcripts for EAI-MBN interviews and conferences like The Korea-Japan Security Dialogue and Asia Peace Conference 2021
  • Translating Global NK commentaries
  • Organizing statistics of EAI publication and figuring out top 20 publications from the list
  • Suggesting ideas for EAI publication


I could improve my understanding on East Asian relations while working, especially when I was proofreading, translating, or making transcripts. In addition, I was exposed to a large amount of EAI publications on a variety of topics, which is very impressive. Most of all, I am truly grateful for meeting supportive EAI researchers and my fellow interns. Thank you EAI for giving such a great opportunity.