[제7회 한일 국민 상호인식조사 주요결과요약]
Program Presentation: Introduction of the 2019 Poll Results Kudo Yasushi, Representative of The Genron NPO Kudo Yasushi, Representative of The Genron NPO
Introducing the East Asia Institute(EAI)·The Genron NPO Joint Press Conference on the Results of the 7th Public Opinion Survey on Mutual Perceptions of Korea-Japan Relations The East Asia Institute (EAI) and The Genron NPO have been conducting an annual public opinion survey on the mutual perceptions of Korea and Japan since 2013. Tensions between Korea and Japan have risen throughout the past years due to disagreements on the comfort women issue, the Supreme Court’s ruling vindicating forced laborers from World War II, and the radar lock-on incident. Due to such proceedings, it is important to analyze the public opinions of both Korea and Japan. EAI and The Genron NPO conducted their annual joint survey in May 2019 and presented its findings on June 12 at the HSB Teppozu Building. Some of the key findings were as follows:
With the joint survey as the basis, the 7th Korea-Japan Future Dialogue will be held in Tokyo, Japan. The Korea-Japan Future Dialogue was first held in May of 2013 as a joint venture by EAI and the Genron NPO to establish a channel for civilian dialogue for Korea and Japan, and has become an annual event that offers a venue for politicians, academics, media members, and those in the culture industry to exchange thoughts and ideas. The primary agenda of the 7th Korea-Japan Future Dialogue will be to focus on the results of the public opinion survey and discuss methods for cooperation between the two countries.