아시아안보연구센터는 7월 8일(금) 미국 남가주대학(University of Southern California) David C. Kang 교수를 모시고 Smart Q&A를 진행하였습니다.



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David C. Kang, University of Southern California



질문 내용  


1) The Challenge of China’s Rise


The rise of China brings with it many challenges and the potential for change in the regional landscape. As China rises, what kind of impact will it have on the current security architecture in East Asia? If we are to see a hierarchical order emerge, what will be the impact on the position of the United States in Asia?


2) Maritime Disputes in East Asia


Maritime disputes, particularly in the South China Sea have become a major source of conflict in East Asia. Recently, China and Vietnam have clashed with both sides conducting naval drills and making bold statements. Under the past hierarchical order, territorial disputes between China and its neighbors had been resolved ensuring stability. However, in the 21st century maritime disputes have emerged as a major source of conflict between China and its neighbors. Can China and its neighbors resolve their differences or will this continue?


3) Japan’s Future in East Asia


The recent earthquake and political troubles have placed yet more pressure on Japan as it has struggled against nearly two decades of negative growth. How do you see Japan’s future in East Asia?