아시아안보연구센터는 6월 7일(화) 캐나다 University of British Columbia의 Yves Tiberghien 교수를 모시고 G20와 동아시아 정치에 대한 Smart Q&A를 진행하였습니다.


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Yves Tiberghien, University of British Columbia 교수


질문 내용


1) Overview of the G20 ‘Game’


Could you describe to us some of the characteristics of the G20 power game, specifically the relationship between the United States, China, and Europe?


2) The Northeast Asian Paradox in the G20


In your EAI working paper you look at how the three East Asian countries (China, Japan, and South Korea) have not been able to cooperate strongly at the G20-level despite positional similarities among them. Could you outline to us the reasons for this lack of cohesion?


3) China’s Future Role in Global Governance


China will increasingly play a stronger role in global governance and has very important position in the G20. How do you foresee China’s future role in global governance, particularly in relation to the G20?


4) Assessment of South Korea in the G20


In 2010, South Korea held the chair for the G20 and hosted the leader’s summit in Seoul. How would you assess Seoul’s role in the G20, particularly in some of the agendas it has tried to push forward such as global safety nets.


5) The G20 and the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)


A recent policy report by the EAI recommended that the G20 should work more closely with NGOs as they are playing a greater role in global governance. How do you see the prospects for greater cooperation between NGOs and the G20?


6) France and the G20


France holds the current chair of the G20 and will be hosting the leader’s summit in November. As one of the main proponents of the G20 in 2008, what kind of role do you expect France to play this year?