아시아안보연구센터는 5월 16일(수) 오후 5시 미국 Belfer 과학국제문제연구소(Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs)의 선임연구위원인 윌리엄 토비(William H. Tobey)를 초청하여 " Stemming the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism and Proliferation, Globally and in Northeast Asia”를 주제로 제24회 Smart Talk 세미나를 진행하였습니다.



"Stemming the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism and Proliferation, Globally and in Northeast Asia”



윌리엄 토비(William H. Tobey), 미국 Belfer 과학국제문제연구소(Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs) 선임연구위원



이숙종, 동아시아연구원 원장



전재성, 서울대학교 교수

김영호, 국방대학교 교수

이상현, 외교통상부 정책기획관

전봉근, 국립외교원 교수

전성훈, 통일연구원 선임연구위원

황지환, 서울시립대학교 교수



William H. Tobey

William Tobey was most recently Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation at the National Nuclear Security Administration. There, he managed the U.S. government’s largest program to prevent nuclear proliferation and terrorism by detecting, securing, and disposing of dangerous nuclear material. Mr. Tobey also served on the National Security Council Staff in three administrations, in defense policy, arms control, and counter-proliferation positions. He has participated in international negotiations ranging from the START talks with the Soviet Union, to the Six Party Talks with North Korea. He also has extensive experience in investment banking and venture capital.