동아시아연구원은 11월 30일(수) 오후 1시 30분부터 아시아재단 한미정책연구소(소장 스캇 스나이더)와 공동으로 “Is Global Korea Really Global? Assessing South Korean Contributions to International Security”를 주제로 워크샵을 진행하였습니다. 이날 회의에서는 테렌스 뢰릭(Terence Roehrig) 미국 해전대학(US Naval War College) 교수, 로다 마거슨(Rhoda Margesson) 미국 의회조사국(Congressional Research Service) 연구위원, 스캇 브루스(Scott Bruce) 노틸러스 연구소(Nautilus Institute) 소장, 존 헤밍스(John Hemmings) 퍼시픽 포럼(Pacific Forum) 연구위원, 발비나 황(Balbina Hwang) 조지타운대(Georgetown University) 교수 등 미국 필자 5명이 한국의 해외파병, 평화유지군 활동, 재난구호 활동 등 한국의 국제안보 기여도에 관한 연구 논문을 발표하고 국내 전문가들이 이에 대한 토론을 진행하였습니다.




13:30~13:45  Welcome & Introduction: “Global Korea” and the U.S.-ROK Alliance


Sook-Jong Lee, President, East Asia Institute

Scott Snyder, Director, Program on U.S.-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations


13:45~16:15  Post-Conflict Stabilization and International Peacekeeping



Sook-Jong Lee, East Asia Institute


Presenter 1

“Global Korea: the ROK PRT in Afghanistan”

John Hemmings, Pacific Forum, CSIS



Jeong-min Seo, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Beom Chul Shin, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses


Presenter 2

“Korea and PKO: Is Korea Contributing to Global Peace?”

Balbina Hwang, Georgetown University



Jaechun Kim, Sogang University

Shin-wha Lee, Korea University


Presenter 3

“South Korea: Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance”

Rhoda Margesson, Congressional Research Service



Young Jong Choi, The Catholic University of Korea


16:15~16:30  Coffee Break


16:30~18:30  Maritime Security and Counter-Proliferation



Scott Snyder, Council on Foreign Relations 


Presenters 1

“South Korea’s counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden”

Terence Roehrig, US Naval War College



Young Ho Kim, Korea National Defense University

Kyung-young Chung, The Catholic University of Korea


Presenters 2

“Counter-Proliferation and Korea: Moving from Local to Global”

Scott Bruce, Nautilus Institute



Won Gon Park, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses

Jihwan Hwang, University of Seoul


18:30~18:45  Concluding Remarks


Scott Snyder, Council on Foreign Relations