아시아안보연구센터는 11월 7일(월) 오후 4시 유럽대학원대학(European University Institute)의 프리드리히 크라토크빌(Friedrich Kratochwil) 교수를 초청하여 "The Dark Sides of Global Governance: Unresolved Issues in Theory and Practice”를 주제로 제20회 Smart Talk 세미나를 개최하였습니다.



“The Dark Sides of Global Governance: Unresolved Issues in Theory and Practice“



Friedrich Kratochwil, 유럽대학원대학(European University Institute) 교수



하영선, 서울대학교 교수



김성호, 연세대학교 교수

이숙종, 동아시아연구원 원장

이신화, 고려대학교 교수

전재성, 서울대학교 교수



Friedrich Kratochwil

Friedrich Kratochwil studied Classics, Philosophy and Political Science in Munich and received as a Fulbright scholar an MA in international Politics from Georgetown University (1969) and a PhD from Princeton (1976). He taught at Maryland, Princeton, Columbia, Denver and Pennsylvania, before returning (1995) to Germany and taking the chair in international Politics at the European University Institute in Florence. He has published widely on International Relations, social theory, international organization and international law in US and European journals. His latest book (2011), just published by Routledge, is entitled The Puzzles of Politics. Presently he is working on a manuscript entitled The Practice of (inter)national Politics. Prof. Kratochwil was appointed to the Chair of International Relations, and joined the department on 1 April 2003.