아시아안보연구센터는 11월 16일(화요일) 캐나다 University of British Columbia의 Yves Tiberghien 교수를 모시고 “Global Power Shifts and G20: a geopolitical analysis”를 주제로 제12회 스마트토크 세미나를 개최하였습니다.



“Global Power Shifts and G20: a geopolitical analysis”



Yves Tiberghien (University of British Columbia)



손 열, 연세대학교 교수



강선주, 외교안보연구원

구민교, 서울대학교 교수

김동훈, 고려대학교 교수

모종린, 연세대학교 교수

최영종, 가톨릭대학교 교수


Yves Tiberghien 교수의 약력

Yves Tiberghien is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at UBC (currently on leave and a Visiting Associate Professor at National Chengchi University in Taiwan). He obtained hid Ph.D. in political science from Stanford University and was an Academy Scholar at Harvard University in 2004-2006. He specializes in comparative political economy and international political economy with empirical focus on China, Japan, Korea, and Europe. In 2007, he published “Entrepreneurial States: Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea” with Cornell University Press in the Political Economy Series. His publications include articles and book chapters on the comparative political economy of East Asia (Japan, Korea) and on climate change politics (Japan and EU). Over the last four years, he has been working on a large project and book on the global governance of genetically engineered food (GMOs). He has a strong interest in environmental and food governance (GMOs, climate change, food politics) in China. He is currently working new multi-year project on the role of China in global governance (with focus on global financial regulations, G20, and global environmental issues) funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), on the geopolitics of the G20 summit process, and as well as a project on the political consequences of economic inequality in East Asia.