On May 13, EAI hosted an open expert seminar for the 3rd EAI Fellow of 2008, Prof. Matthew M. Carlson (University of Vermont), who presented on "Perceptions of Governance in East Asia." Prof. EuiYoung (Kyunghee University) moderated the discussion while Prof. Sunhyuk Kim (Korea University), Prof. Huck-ju Kwon (Seoul National University), and Prof. Sung Hak Lim (University of Seoul) participated as designated discussants.

A presentation by Prof. Matthew Mr. Carlson (University of Vermont)


Prof. EuiYoung Kim moderating the discussion


Designated discussant Prof. Sung Hak Lim (University of Seoul)


Designated discussant Prof. Sun Hyuk Kim (Korea University)


Designated discussant Prof. Huck-ju Kwon (Seoul National University)


Prof. Hun Ju Park in discussion


Picture of the discussion in the conference room


Picture of the discussion in the conference room