EAI Research Paper
The Desirability and Feasibility of Nuclear Sharing in Northeast Asia:
A South Korean Perspective

Hwee-rhak Park, Kookmin University
"To Share or Not to Share: South Korea at Debate about Nuclear Sharing"
Amidst the escalating tensions surrounding the Korean Peninsula, it has become necessary to seriously evaluate the desirability and feasibility of the re-deployment of U.S. tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea as an additional effective option to deter a future North Korean nuclear attack. While the re-deployment could strengthen the ROK-U.S. combined deterrence posture, correct the nuclear imbalance with North Korea, and dissuade South Koreans from pursuing its own nuclear weapons, it could also make the Korean Peninsula even more volatile and pull the Peninsula closer to a real nuclear war. Against this backdrop, Hwee-rhak Park argues that South Korea and the U.S. need to expand the scope of nuclear sharing from between the two countries to include Japan. Park emphasizes that by including Japan, South Korea and the U.S. could strengthen Neither Confirm Nor Deny policy on the locations of the deployed nuclear weapons to maximize the deterrent effect and minimize opposition. pc   mobile
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