Seminar: A New US Administration and the Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula
"Where is the ROK-US Alliance Headed in the Trump Era?"

The Presidential Committee for Unification Preparation, together with the East Asia Institute, held a seminar entitled “A New US Administration and the Peaceful Unification of Korea” on November 11th, 2016 at the Korea Press Foundation. Experts from the US, Russia, China, Japan, and South Korea gathered to discuss solutions to the North Korean nuclear problem and methods for peaceful unification. Amidst great uncertainties over US policy towards North Korea under Republican President Elect Donald Trump, participants focused on the need for active cooperation between the five countries in seeking new approaches to counter the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles outside of sanctions so as to achieve peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula. The first session was presided over by Mr. Chung Chong- Wook, Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Committee for Unification Preparation, and covered the potential policy implications of a Donald Trump US administration on East Asia and the Korean Peninsula. The second session featured a lively discussion of the North Korean nuclear issue and the peaceful reunification process of the Korean Peninsula. pc   mobile

Working Paper

From "Look East" to "Act East": India as a Security Actor and Security Provider

"India's East Asia Policy: Look East, Act East"
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Issue Briefing

Populism as a Challenge to Global Security and Globalization

"A new revolution in global governance that embraces populism is necessary"
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Rapid Reactions to the U.S. Election Results: A South Korean Perspective

"Trump's New Administration: The US Must Re-establish its Global Leadership"
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English Journal

Journal of East Asian Studies

"Volume 16, Issue 3 Now Available"
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EAI Fellows Program

Expert Seminar with Dr. Jagannath Prasad Panda

"India’s Active East Asian Diplomacy: Performance, Roles, and Limitations"
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Press Conference and International Seminar on the Joint Japan-South Korea-China Public Opinion Survey

"The Present and Future of East Asia, Through the Eyes of the People"
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Chicago Conference: Next Generation of Korean Young Leaders Visits EAI

"The Status of Women in Korean Society and the Current State of Multicultural Families"
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Visitation from the Myanmar Delegation to the Republic of Korea

"The Role of Think Tanks in Korean Democracy"
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Smart Q&A

Kak-Soo Shin former South Korean Ambassador to Japan·Ichiro Fujisaki former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.

"Prospective Changes in Korea-Japan Relations and the East Asia Regional Structure after the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election"
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