JEAS Volume 16, Issue 1
Contentious Elites in China: New Evidence and Approaches
"The inaugural issue of JEAS at Cambridge University Press is here!"
EAI is pleased to announce that the inaugural issue of the Journal of East Asian Studies at Cambridge University Press has been released. This special issue, entitled "Contentious Elites in China: New Evidence and Approaches," explores the factional dynamics that have driven politics in the post-Mao era by deploying a range of new scientific methods, including social network analysis and agent-based modeling. More specifically, the following topics are addressed in depth in each article: patronage networks among Chinese Elites, faction recruitment, term limit and power sharing, coalition in China's policy formulation, elite circulation in the Chinese Communist Party, and conditions under which elite conflicts may arise. This collection of articles exemplifies the mission of the Journal of East Asian Studies: to present cutting-edge research on substantive issues of importance in our understanding of East Asia.
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