“Evaluating Korean Foreign Policy and Charting a Course for the Future”
In partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EAI hosted a public conference entitled “Evaluating and Developing Mid and Long-term Korean Diplomacy” on October 21, 2015. The conference was an opportunity for experts in a variety of fields to share their opinions on the direction of Korean foreign policy and suggest ways it may be improved in the future.
“Strong Alliances, Divided Publics: Public Opinion in the United States, Japan, South Korea, and China”
EAI, in cooperation with CCGA, Genron NPO, and the Horizon Research Consultancy Group conducted a joint public opinion survey in the U.S., Japan, China, and South Korea. The findings were announced and discussed by representatives from all four organizations in Japan on October 20, 2015 along with the joint issuing of a report on the findings of the survey.
The Past and Future of the ROK-U.S. Alliance
EAI delegates visited the Chicago Council on Global Affairs to discuss the history and future of the ROK-U.S. security alliance on October 5, 2015. During the joint seminar with the Asia Society on the following day, participants discussed economic aspects of the ROK-U.S. relationship, including TPP and RCEP.
Seminar in Chicago | Seminar in San Francisco
Sharing Experiences on Peace Process
EAI held a closed conference with the Dublin City University’s Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction on October 26, 2015 and discussed the peace process in Ireland and the hints it may provide in improving inter-Korea relations and seeking a peace agreement between the two Koreas.
Council of Councils Convenes to Discuss Pressing Global Issues
EAI President Sook Jong Lee traveled to Turkey to take part in the Council of Councils’ Eighth Regional Conference which was held October 4-6, 2015. Members of the group discussed critical topics such as refugees and migration, the crisis in Ukraine, regional and global energy governance, and climate cooperation.
U.S. Missile Defense Policy and the ROK-U.S. Alliance
The U.S. rebalance strategy signifies the shift of strategic focus of U.S. foreign policy from Europe to the Asia-Pacific region. Soo-hyung Lee reviews the U.S. missile defense policy in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region against the backdrop of the U.S. rebalance strategy and examines its strategic implications for the ROK-U.S. alliance.
Is the Deployment of THAAD in South Korea’s National Interest?
How should South Korea respond to increasing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea? South Korea is at a crossroad of either deploying THAAD or accepting China’s request to refuse the system. In light of the imminent security situation, Kyung-young Chung examines positions of concerned countries and then provides recommendations for South Korea.
July and August UCR Briefings: Building Up to the Summit in Washington D.C.
With a crucial summit scheduled for September, the U.S. and China sought to maintain relatively cordial relations following the conclusion of the high-profile Strategic and Economic Dialogue held earlier in the summer. However, hot topics such as the territorial conflicts in the South China Sea and Japan’s Security Bill remained contentious issues in U.S.-China relations.
Next Generation Conference Wraps Up KF-EAI Korea Friendship Project
The Next Generation Conference was held at the Kukdo Hotel on October 7 as a part of the KF-EAI Korea Friendship Project “Communicus.” Professor Jae Hyeok Shin of Korea University moderated the conference which included presentations of the selected theses and a discussion panel made up of undergraduate and graduate students who are former EAI interns.
[EAI Issue Briefing]
South Korea’s Middle
Power Diplomacy on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
[EAI Column]
Moving Beyond the Abe Statement and President Park’s Independence Day Speech
[EAI Issue Briefing]
Development in North Korea’s Human Rights Issues and South Korea’s Strategy
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