February 2014
    EAI Commentary No.32
EAI Commentary No.32, written by Young-Sun Ha, analyzes Kim Jong-un's 2014 New Year's Address by applying the hermeneutic method called the "fusion of horizons." Even though the address is devoted heavily to the strengthening of the domestic economic front in order to realize the national goal of "golden age of Songun Korea," Pyongyang is unable to free itself from the traditional perspective of a peace offensive and "state of war" against the U.S. The author emphasizes this is an inherent contradiction. Furthermore, Ha argues that South Korea's North Korea policy should focus on facilitating the North's selection and pursuit of the pyŏngjin nosŏn 2.0 route - the path of non-nuclear weapons security in tandem with economic development. With that in mind, he suggests four fundamental principles for South Korea's North Korea policy in the upcoming year.

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