Global NK Special Report                                                                            
The History of Division in the Conception of 
National Literature
Seong-su Kim
Professor of Writing at Sungkyunkwan University


How is division, in a divided country like Korea, manifest in the field of literature? Examining the history of division in the concept of national literature, this Special Report delves into the differences between the perception and forms of literature in the two Koreas and the importance of studies in this field. According to Kim Seong-su, Professor of Writing at Sungkyunkwan University, the history of Korean literature after liberation has been demonstrative of the competition for legitimacy between proponents of South Korean and North Korean literature and their aspirations to claim exclusive ownership of national literature. The soft power of language and literature is expected to serve as a means of ‘communication’ between the two Koreas and as a cultural and political symbol uniting the two Koreas.


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