Knowledge-Net for a Better World September 2020
Attitude towards Democracy in South Korea
Woo Chang Kang
Assistant Professor, Korea University
"Public Attitudes towards Democracy and
Democratic Maturity in South Korea"
South Koreans’ attitudes toward democracy have changed over time. In this issue briefing, Prof. Woo Chang Kang examines the public’s changing attitudes towards democracy since the mid-2000s by analyzing the public support for democracy based on three aspects: democratic principles, performance and institutions. Based upon the survey data, Prof. Kang states that compared with the relatively low level of support for democracy in the early 2000s, support for democracy has been constantly increasing in all aspects since then, marking the highest in the 2020 survey. Prof. Kang argues that while the increasing support indicates the maturity of democracy in the country, it is to be seen whether the public would continue the high level of support for democracy when the COVID-19 pandemic is over, as the survey was conducted during the period when the pandemic was effectively under control.   pc
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